“Often, a child’s life changes for the better because someone stepped in to help. Sponsorship lets a child know that there are people in the world who care about their well-being. That is why we are asking you to sponsor an at-risk Rwandan child. Your sponsorship of a child allows us to provide them with daily shelter, medical care, food to combat malnutrition, and education.”

Serge Gasore, Rwanda Children’s Co-Founder

Steps to Sponsor

To begin sponsoring a child, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the DONATE page on Rwanda Children's website.

  2. Enter $50 as the amount, and click the button "Monthly recurring donation."

  3. Enter the remaining required information.

  4. IMPORTANT: To sponsor a specific child, please type his or her name in the Comment box.

  5. Click the "Donate Now" button.

Children to Sponsor

More about sponsorship

The generosity of our sponsors empowers Rwanda Children to care for vulnerable children in our community. Our sponsors donate $50 per month to provide for all their sponsored child's basic needs. Sponsorship covers daily shelter, food, medical care, school uniforms, and education. In addition, sponsorship guarantees a child's enrollment in Rwanda Children Christian School.

Several organizations offer the opportunity to sponsor a child. What makes our sponsorship program so unique? Foremost is the amount of time we invest in each child. Our team members spend more than 70 hours with each sponsored child weekly, enabling us to nurture and shape them in a loving, Christian environment.

Our one-to-one sponsorships directly connect a sponsor with a child in our program. We want each sponsor to have a meaningful relationship with their sponsored child. Therefore, we supply our sponsors monthly emails containing pictures and updates on their children.

Our Early Childhood Development program and Rwanda Children Christian School are huge facets of our sponsorship program. Our teachers and administrators are some of the best in all of Rwanda. They have many resources to draw on, like our great library and educational resource center. Our sponsored children receive an excellent education that benefits them, their families, and our community.

We also provide sponsored children's parents with vocational training opportunities to help their families climb out of the poverty that has many of them in its grasp. The parents of our sponsored children can participate in training in sewing, agriculture, personal savings, entrepreneurship, nutrition, parenting skills, and creating traditional handicrafts. Additionally, we offer free adult literacy classes to the parents of our sponsored children and anyone in our community who wishes to participate.